Hakosuka on sale in the Japanese market
Here we listed up the sites that show sales of Hakosuke in the Japanese market. You can check the current status on the sales of Hakosuke.
If you find some interesting Hakosuka, I can check it in details as you ask for.
1. Contact the car dealers or individuals who listed and ask questions as you requested.
2. Visit the car dealers or individuals who own the Hakosuka and show the Hakosuka on live by mobile phone so that you can see the Hakosuka on live and figure out the conditions and the looks of Hakosuka.
I can ask many questions to the owner of the Hakosuka and check the Hakosuka as you request which you can see and check it on live.
$300 + transportation fee
3. Shipping company in U.S
All documents preparations and the procedure in the Japanese side will be carried out by the Japanese trading company
Around $500
Hakosuka on sales at the Popular bulletin board in Japan
Hakosuka | Used cars | Jimoty (jmty-jp.translate.goog)
「ハコスカ gtr 価格」の中古車 | 中古車なら【カーセンサーnet】 (www-carsensor-net.translate.goog)
[Goonet] Hakosuka gt-r used car list (1 to 26) (www-goo--net-com.translate.goog)
[Goonet] Hakosuka used car list (1 to 30) (www-goo--net-com.translate.goog)
Used cars nationwide|Used cars EX (kuruma--ex-jp.translate.goog)
Nissan Skyline GT-R 5 people Used car information | Used car list and price [MOTA] (autoc--one-jp.translate.goog)
Nissan Skyline For Sale: 215 JDM Nissan Skyline Listings - JDMbuysell.com
Used Nissan Skyline 1971 For Sale | CAR FROM JAPAN
Nissan Skyline - C10 Market - CLASSIC.COM
Nissan Skyline for sale | Classic Driver
Nissan Skyline For Sale: 215 JDM Nissan Skyline Listings - JDMbuysell.com
Nissan Skyline 1971 For Sale | CAR FROM JAPAN
Nissan Skyline - C10 Market - CLASSIC.COM
Nissan Skyline for sale | Classic Driver
Used cars nationwide|Used cars EX (kuruma--ex-jp.translate.goog)
「ハコスカGT-R」の中古車 | 中古車なら【カーセンサーnet】 (www-carsensor-net.translate.goog)